HUNDPAD offers a comprehensive suite of services, including SLP token creation, nft contract generation ICO and IDO facilitation for tokens, and a staking and liquidity locking platform tailored for users. AI HUND Token Creator: Effortlessly create your Solana SPL Token with our AI Powered tool. Customize your Solana Token exactly the way you envision it.

This AI-powered tool allows users to create tokens on the Solana blockchain by leveraging AI service to generate token details such as name, supply, and slogan. Here's what it can do:

Token Creation: Users can initiate the creation of a new token by sending an instruction to the Solana program, HUND AI generate token details.

Token Details Generation: The AI generates token details including name, supply, and slogan based on the input data provided by the user.

Minting Tokens: After receiving token details from the AI, AI initializes a new token mint and mints the specified token supply

Transferring Tokens: Users can transfer tokens to other accounts on the Solana blockchain.

Revoking Freeze and Mint: Users can separately revoke freeze and revoke mint for token accounts, allowing for greater flexibility in managing token properties.

Overall, this AI-powered creator the token creation process by automating the generation of token and details through an AI, reducing manual effort and providing users with customizable tokens. Once the creation process starts, it will only take a few seconds! Once complete, you will receive the total supply of the token in your wallet. ICO services : Create your meme token and start ICO drop for your project

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